F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter









Next meeting: April 7th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


            Well I need to open up the newsletter with a message from the redface department, those of you who receive paper copies didn’t receive them until after the meeting, and I apologize for that. I have no idea how but the letters were misplaced and I found them afterwards. With that, we discussed show layout and it was voted on, if anyone has any concerns please direct them to the directors or show up at the meeting, I think it is only fair to bring up the ideas a second time if for no other reason for input. Again, I’m sorry for the mistake and any hassles that resulted from it


          Spring is upon us, and we have show dates on the letter J Looking outside it’s just hard to get in the mood to go get ready for a show when the snow is covering everything


          Some changes to the layout that are decided are: moving the driveway up towards 22-3 and move the event area to the show side of the driveway so we don’t have tractors or people crossing traffic, and the turnip train will be moved closer to registration for easier watching and being in a central location for everyone to get to. This should be a good move for everyone, we’ll see how it goes this year and adjust as needed



4/6: TSC Landen, 9-4, Rain Date 4/20

6/15: Tractor Ride, 9am, Warren County Justice Center, Justice Drive, meet and signup before hand, Contact Gene Bustle for more details


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley at 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn at (513)266-7413 or l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Dave Siebert at (937)603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com


Until next month!

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com